Episode 29: Jerry Douglas’s BOTH WAYS (1975)

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This week on the podcast, we’re exposing ‘the eternal triangle of bi-sexuality’ and all the trials and tribulations that come with trying to have it… Both Ways, directed by Jerry Douglas and released in 1975. Future disco queen Andrea True and Douglas regular Gerald Grant star in this sensitive drama (or is it a comedy?) as a married couple whose loving relationship is torn apart by the husband’s inability to choose between his wife and the blond bodybuilder he’s been seeing on the side. Who will he wind up with, and who will be hurt?

Over the course of this episode, we’ll discuss Jerry Douglas’s earlier successes in the theatre world and the film’s many connections to his breakthrough play, Tubstrip; bisexuality in adult film; and whether or not the film might’ve worked better as a play. 


Episode 30: Ray Harrison’s ALL ABOUT ALICE (1972)


Episode 28: Tom DeSimone’s SKIN DEEP (1982)