Bonus Episode 2: Fritz Gemeiner’s LEATHER ‘N THINGS (1977)

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Our second Patreon-exlusive bonus episode is something of a companion piece to Episode 10 — and it’s likely the most extreme film we’ll be covering over the course of this series.

An uncredited film that’s all but certain to have been made by Honorable Jones Comes Out director Fritz Gemeiner, Leather ‘n Things takes us into the backroom of the iconic leather store of the same name, which is famed for creating the first hanky code in 1972. As to what goes on in that backroom… well, you’ll have to listen to find out.

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Episode 11: Tom DeSimone’s THE IDOL (1979)


Episode 10: Mother Goose’s ROOM 328 + Fritz Gemein’s HONORABLE JONES COMES OUT (1977)